
〈當下的本體論:我們到底生活在什麼樣的時代?〉 線上國際研討會

一、 活動介紹
二、 會議資訊
* 名稱:〈當下的本體論:我們到底生活在什麼樣的時代?〉線上國際研討會
* 時間:111年6月15日(三)、6月16日(四)
* 地點:Cisco Webex線上會議軟體
* 主辦單位:國立成功大學歷史學系、教育部玉山學者計畫
三、 活動網站連結(內含講者名單與議程之詳細資訊)
四、 報名連結
五、 聯絡資訊
* 李黃睿|國立成功大學歷史學系玉山學者布洛薩團隊博士後研究員
* 楊茹蘭|國立成功大學歷史學系玉山學者布洛薩團隊專案計畫人員
電話:06-2757575 分機52339
Ontology of the Present: What epoch are we living in?

Information of the Online International Conference

1. Introduction
   We need more than ever an ontology of the present. It is because we live in a time of profound disorientation where all the landmarks of certainty are blurred, be them historical, social, political, cultural or otherwise... This present is what envelops us and involves us, what drags us into its future and, as such, what our own becoming is also made of. This means that this present must always be in question, be a subject of our reflection and an object of concern. The ontology of ourselves, our existence, is this critical, permanent and intense relation that we establish to our own present. This is a present we must learn and strive to inhabit, and not simply observe.
   It is with these premises in mind that we are organizing this international conference, around the question: What about the present epoch we are living in? What are its salient features? What could it be called and where is it leading us? Where does our interpretation of the present find its foundation? What are the triggers that set off our actions and reactions to the present?
   At this conference, we will hear 15 researchers from 12 countries sharing their studies and reflections on these topics. This conference is open to discussion and intended to stimulate the collective work of thought on this subject of vital importance. We sincerely welcome your participation.
2. Information
* Event name: <Ontology of the Present: What epoch are we living in?> International Online Conference
* Date: June 15 to 16, 2022
* Through Cisco Webex Meeting
※The conference will be conducted in both English and Chinese, facilitated by live translation
* Organizer: Department of History, National Cheng Kung University, and Yushan Fellow Program, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Supported by: Center for the Humanities, National Sun Yat-sen University

3. Website for more information, including speakers and schedule:

4. Registration Link:
(Registration will end on June 14th)

5. Contact:
* Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National Cheng Kung University
* Julan Yang
Project Assistant, Dept. of History, National Cheng Kung University
Email: 11104018@gs.ncku.edu.tw
