二、名 額:專任教師1名
三、資 格:需具有博士學位或助理教授資格(含)以上者
- 個人履歷(含學歷、工作經驗、學術成果目錄、得獎記錄等)
- 新聘教師資料表(格式如附檔)
- 博士學位證書複本
- 博士課程成績單或其他相關資料
- 擬開設課程之授課大綱(請提供2至3門課程,中文或英文皆可,格式如附檔)
- 博士論文複本、五年內發表之論文抽印本及學術著作
- 教育部大學助理教授以上之教師證書影本(如已取得證書)
- 二封推薦信(請推薦人直接郵寄本系承辦人員曾若珈小姐或彌封後與應徵資料一同寄送)
- 申請人資料將僅用於此次徵聘作業,並在作業完成後歸還申請人。
七、郵寄地址:70101臺南市東區大學路一號 國立成功大學歷史學系曾若珈小姐收 (請註明「應徵資料」)
八、聯絡人:曾若珈 小姐
E-mail: annster@mail.ncku.edu.tw
蔡幸娟 主任
E-mail: z7608010@email.ncku.edu.tw
Faculty Position Announcement
By The Department of History, National Cheng Kung University
- Opening:
- Full-time assistant professorship and above
- Fields of expertise: World History, preferably with capacities for cross-regional, cross-field and cross-disciplinary studies.
- Appointment from 1st August 2025 or 1st February 2026 (depending on the administrative procedure for appointment).
- General requirements:
- A Ph.D. degree in history or related fields
- Excellent publication record, preferably with teaching experience
- Though proficiency in Chinese is basic, proficiency in English in teaching and lecturing is welcome
- Application materials:
- Application form (as attached file)
- CV (including academic training, professional experience, publications, awards etc.)
- Photocopy of formal Ph.D. diploma
- Official transcript of the postgraduate courses taken (if applicable) and/or other materials relevant for consideration
- For non-Taiwanese university degree holder, both the degree diploma and academic transcript have to be certified by the embassies or missions of the Republic of China (Taiwan); however, such certification can be waived if the applicant can provide the Teacher’s Certificate of Assistant Professorship (or above) issued by the Ministry of Education Republic of China (Taiwan).
- Syllabi of 2-3 proposed courses for undergraduate and for postgraduate students (as attached file)
- A copy of doctoral dissertation, and academic publications for the last 5 years
- Two recommendation letters (either sent by post from the referees to the Administrative Secretary Ms. Jo-Chia TSENG directly, or sealed in signed envelopes by the referees, and sent along with the application materials)
- All information provided by the applicants will be treated with strict confidentiality.
- Any decision is made on a non-discriminatory basis.
- Date and Contact:
- All application materials should be sent to:
Ms. Jo-Chia TSENG, Administrative Secretary,
Department of History, National Cheng Kung University,
No. 1 University Rd, Eastern District,
Tainan City 70101, TAIWAN (R.O.C.)
Tel: 886-6-2757575, ext. 52305
E-mail: annster@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Please mark your package with “Application Materials for Teaching Position”
- Deadline of application:
24th February, 2025
- Deadline of application:
- For further enquiries, please contact:
Dr. Hsing-Chuan Tsai, Chair of the Department of History, NCKU
E-mail: z7608010@email.ncku.edu.tw
- For further enquiries, please contact: